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If you have some time please click on the links below, read the information and watch the video. There is a lot of good information regarding suicide prevention.
SPFD members,
September 7, a sprint mini triathlon for you!
Join us for our Annual PUSH Sprint Triathlon in the heart of St. Paul along the mighty Mississippi River. Compete on your own or as a team* in this 1/3-mile swim, 15-mile bike, and 5K run! It’s a great way to test your fitness skills, get competitive and finish off the summer with a bang.
Captain Eric Clinton is looking for members who would want to participate! Push has offered to comp SPFD firefighters.
Details below, contact Capt. Clinton if you're interested!!"The Tommy McDonough Memorial Workout will be held on Friday, August 23rd at Macalester College. Shaw Field is located on campus outside the Leonard Center athletic building. Parking is available in the lot at the south entrance of the Leonard Center. Shift crews, please coordinate with your district chief to attend."