Veteran Firefighters Asso.
ST. PAUL FIRE DEPARTMENT VETERAN'S ASSOCIATION Founded in 1912, "The object of this Association shall be to foster a stronger feeling of brotherhood and friendship among its members, to keep alive the memory of service rendered, to visit the sick, to attend the funeral of a deceased member, to extend sympathy and offer assistance to the immediate family, and in every way pay tribute to his memory. To unite our efforts in securing and safeguarding our benefits and to insist on equal rights for everyone with special favors towards none." We meet four times a year: the 2nd Thursday of March, June, September, and December, for social hour, lunch, and a short business meeting (where we deal with the items in Section 2, above). But primarily we are a social organization that provides an opportunity for members to socialize with old friends and renew acquaintances. Check this website or follow St. Paul Veteran Fire Fighters on Facebook for meeting time and location. We also perform various community services and contribute generously to numerous charitable causes, including Operation Warm, Little Sisters of the Poor , Salvation Army, Shane Clifton Memorial, Operation Santa, Minnesota Fire Foundation, ice cream for the Local 21 Picnic, and a $50 donation to theSt. Paul Fire Honor Guard in memory of each deceased member. All St. Paul Fire Department retirees, active members with 15 years experience, and Honorary Fire Fighters are eligible for membership. Dues are $10 annually with no initiation fee. Cost of the Luncheon is around $20, and adult beverages are available. Please join us! Questions, call President Tim Wirth (651)247-4775 or Secretary-Treasurer Mike Hogan (952)463-5316. If you want to be added to our email list, contact Mike at
Page Last Updated: Jun 05, 2023 (05:22:22)