Welcome You are not currently logged in. What's New at IAFF Local 21 UPDATED INFORMATION!!!
Local 21 Brothers and sisters please help if you can. Lisa Zumwalde is one of our Fire Dispatchers in the RCECC for the last 24 years. She has recently been diagnosed with Metastatic Uveal (Ocular) Melanoma for the 2nd time. Unfortunately, this time it has spread to other areas of her body. After all she still showing up for work and do her best.ECC supervisors are raising funds to help support Lisa and her family. All proceeds will go directly to Lisa.
Support Supervisors, Lindsey O’Donnell at lindsey.odonnell@co.ramsey.mn.
us and Jenna Hatch at jenna.hatch@co.ramsey.mn.us. Please scan the QR Code and Help if you can.
Z STRONG! She doesn’t fight alone.
* If you've moved or changed your address in the last year and didn't receive an invitation, YOU ARE STILL INVITED! The best way to make sure you continue to receive mail from Local 21 is by logging into the website and keeping your address current. If you need assistance, please contact Local 21 for help.
Salvation Army bell ringing begins on November 29th and goes through December 2024!